painter surrealist creator musician philosopher vita shop



Uly is an Austrian composer and musician specializing in spheric rock ballads and philosophical children's songs. Well-known are the rock epic "Backroomdoor" (13 minutes) and the songs "Nasenloch" or "If there is nothing". Uly wrote about 120 songs (English and German). He performs on stage, at day, at night and sometimes in the water:  


spheric rock"





This "come together" song with more than 40 participants
was recorded and filmed 2022 in Vienna. In times of wars,
media battles and polarization, we must not forget to come together
and try to be humans. Music, fine art and philosophizing (p4c)
has always has been the salvation of the soul and heart.

© by Uly Paya 2012/2022

other songs to listen:

 "fire burning" 

<<< booking >>>





K I N D E R L I E D E R"

(children's songs)

Deutsch: Uly versucht als Maler, Musiker und Philosophierender, Gedanken auf die Bühne zu bringen, um mit dem Publikum darüber nachzudenken und gemeinsam zu singen. Sein Programm nimmt Kinder und Erwachsene mit auf eine Reise durch philosopische Fragestellungen wie "Was is' wenn nix is' und was soll dann sein?" oder "Warum geht mein Goldfisch gerne klettern?". Das Programm beinhaltet Live-Musik, Schauspielen, Sketches, Clownerie und Mitmachaktionen mit dem jungen und älteren Publikum.

English: As a painter, musician and philosopher Uly brings thoughts onto the stage to reflect on with the audience and sing together. His program takes children and adults on a journey through philosophical questions such as "What if nothing is and what should be then?" or “Why does my goldfish like to climb?”. The program includes live music, acting, sketches, clowning and participation activities with the young and older audience.




<<< booking >>>



CDs available:
© artland records


"fire burning"
spheric rock ballads



"open yourself"
concept album




"Kinderlieder zum Nachdenken"
(auf Deutsch! Texte downloadbar!)



"Lieder zum Philosopohieren"

(auf Deutsch! Texte downloadbar!)




(auf Deutsch! Texte downloadbar!)




"lucky star"
The Window live in concert
special guests': Hubert & Lara


"Das Rote Meer"
fairy tale for children
from the CD of the same name


"Poldi mein Goldfisch"




© 2023 Uly Paya